Google API Key for YouTube videos

Watch this video to see how to get your free Google API key:

Here's the process:

  • Create a free Google account and login to it, or login to your existing account.
  • Go to your Google Developers Console.
  • Click the blue "Create Project" button.
  • Enter a name for your project and click "Create." If you get a "Bad request" message, don't worry. The server may be busy. Try again a few times and you should see a green checkmark.
  • Click on the name of your project.
  • A sidebar will appear on the left. Go to "APIs & Auth" ==> APIs ==> YouTube Data API and click "Enable API."
  • Go to "APIs & Auth" ==> Credentials ==> Create new Key ==> Server Key ==> Create (leave the "Accept requests from these server IP addresses" text area blank).
  • Copy the API key and paste it in the Google API Key field in Associate Goliath, under the "Options" tab. Click "save settings."


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