Star ratings and "customer reviews as comments" don't appear on my site

If star ratings or reviews inserted as comments don't appear on your site, please read this:

Getting star ratings and "reviews as comments" require scraping the Amazon web site. This is something that Amazon isn't particularly fond of, but we have included this function, because many customers have requested it.

That said, Amazon always evolves, and tries to block software that scrapes the Amazon web site. If this happens, you will see a notice at the top of the post-editor page:

One thing that helps is to change the "user-agent" that is used to contact the Amazon web site.

User-agents of poplar browsers change frequently due to live updates. It also seems that Amazon starts to reject older ones, at some point.

One thing you can do is enter your own custom user-agent in the plugin.

Visit this site:

The site gets updated almost daily.

You can copy one of the top user-agents mentioned on the page above, paste it in the "Custom User Agent" field in the "Options" page of the plugin, and then click the blue "Save Options" button at the bottom of the page. This should help.

Keep in mind that the product data update may be delayed for up to one hour, because the plugin waits about an hour after a failed update attempt before it tries another one.

To force the post update process, delete these custom post fields:



... and refresh the post page or post editor.

If you can't see the custom fields below the post's content area, check the "custom fields" box in the "Screen options" tab at the top right of the post editor.


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