Insert CB profit Poster table with the Gutenberg editor

Because WordPress has changed the way the post/page editor works, we had to make some changes. Now, there are two ways to add a table to a post page:

1) By using the "Insert CB Profit Poster Table" widget (found below the post/page editor text area). The button will insert the paragraph with the CB Profit Poster shortcode after the selected block or to the end of the page/post if nothing is selected.

If you have trouble positioning the table, after you insert it, you can just cut the shortcode and paste it where you want in your content.

The shortcode will look something like this:

[cb_profit_poster TableName]

2) And of course, if you already know the name of your tanbe, you can directly type the shortcode code inside your post.


[cb_profit_poster tennis]


[cb_profit_poster lose-weight]

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