How do I know if Traffic Goliath PRO is working?

We have made Traffic Goliath PRO as "hands-free" as possible.

You can check a few boxes and save the settings and the plugin goes to work.

But how will you know if it works on your site?

Here are a few ideas:

1) Visit some of your older posts. Go to edit them. If tags appear on the right-hand side under "Tags" then the plugin added some tags there.

2) Visit that same post as one of your visitors would. Right click on a post and select "view source". Click "Ctrl+F" to open the search box. Search for "keywords". If you see a list of "meta keywords" that match that post's tags, the plugin works.

3) Repeat this process for future posts.

4) Go under "Posts". If in the "Tags" column you see tags next to your posts, the plugin works.

Keep in mind, it may take a while for all posts to get optimized, especially if you have a huge site with, say 50,000 posts.






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